Whether you’re new here or you’ve been part of the FOC community for a while, it’s no secret that headshots continue to be an important part of our work. We collaborate with photographers who have deep backgrounds as performers and industry folks, and we intimately understand the importance and value of a high quality portrait.

We recently worked with Transfr, a company that provides job training via immersive, hands-on virtual reality (yes, we are in awe), to provide their team 102 (!) headshots over the course of three days. Big job, yes. Too big for us? Not a chance, bring it on!


First, we worked with Transfr to do a custom combination of our corporate headshot packages.

Next, we created a one-pager for all participants that included an explanation of what would happen before, during, and after their photo sessions, as well as how to prepare. Each participant received a link to sign up for a timeslot of their preference, which then provided a unique calendar invite and reminder email.

We collaborated with Transfr to design an overall look to the headshots – to ensure all their staff had a consistent look and feel.

Transfer’s leadership had longer photo sessions–15 minutes each. We tackled those eight on the first day, and then worked with 64 participants on the second day. We finished up the remaining 30 participants on the third day.

Each participant had the opportunity to review their photos immediately following their session with an FOC team member. As part of FOC’s post-production work, we sent each participant a private link their photos for additional review and to select their favorite image for retouching.

Sample “what to expect” document sent out to all participants


We loved working on this project. Not only did we create fantastic photos for a fantastic company, but we took a long-standing service of ours and expanded it. The added bonus of working with Transfr: checking off several items on our value list (collaboration, adaptability, integrity), not to mention their work on education and economic accessibility.

Have an idea you need help bringing to life? Everything starts with a conversation, so contact us to start yours!

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