About Us

Our Why

We are a mission-based media production company that wants to enable big change. We help creators and organizations craft media that translates ideas into impact. Our best collaborations are values-based projects that take “this is how it’s always been done” and turn it into “this is what we can and should do”.

We are experienced in and focus on the arts, education, and technology, and prioritize creating accessible experiences.


Radically innovate traditional production to inspire art that is accessible, inclusive, and economically sustainable.


  • Integrity
  • Equity
  • Accessibility
  • Transparency
  • Inclusivity
  • Adaptability
  • Respect
  • Future-proofing
  • Empathy
  • Collaboration

Producing Philosophy

Our producing philosophy is evolving, and will continue to do so. Here are some of the things we look for when engaging new storytellers and narratives:

  • Historically excluded and marginalized groups
  • Unknown, undertold, and suppressed narratives
  • Social justice narratives
  • Desire for social impact beyond the stage or screen
  • New, original works, that are not derivative
  • Stories that mess around with history, mythology, language, and time


This stands for Interest, Exposure, Money, and Utility, each of which is approximately 25% of our decision-making criteria.

Interest (purely subjective)
How personally interested are we in engaging on this project?

Exposure (partially subjective)
How will this project impact our visibility in ways that are valuable to us?

Money (purely objective)
What percentage of our rates will be paid for our work (from free to 100%)?

Utility (partially objective)
How can we use the media or content captured, and for what purpose?

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