BDC Children & Teen Showcase

2024 Photos & Videos


Media is Now Online!

If you are looking for previous years, use this link

What can I buy when sales open?

Digital Products

1 Photo
1 Video
1 Photo Gallery & 1 Video*
*Photo Gallery & Video are of the same piece

Physical Products

Items below will have additional shipping.**

4 Wallet Photos
4×6 Printed Photo
5×7 Printed Photo
8×10 Printed Photo

Frequently Asked Questions

When will photos & videos be available?

All media will be online within 3 weeks of the performances

DVDs no longer available 

We no longer sell videos on DVDs or USBs as alternative delivery methods. This is for both environmental reasons and cost/efficiency reasons. DVD quality is much lower than the quality you can get from a digital download, and digital downloads last far longer than a physical DVD.

How will I get my media?

Using our media website (SmugMug) you will be able to place orders for Digital & Physical products. We recommend using a personal / home computer so you are able to use the full website and can download your media at anytime.

Do you offer refunds?

No. Given the nature of downloadable digital items, we do not offer refunds or credits on purchases. However, if you made a mistake on your order, please contact us, and we will be happy to help you with a resolution.

What if I have additional questions?

Please Contact Us, email [email protected] or call 833-FULLOUT (833-385-5688)

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