EPIC The Musical, The Livestream

[From left to right) Steven Dookie, JP Warner, Armando Julián, Jorge Rivera-Herrans, and Blair Russell stand in a line in front of a black leather couch and black leather chair. There is a shaggy rug on the floor and four panels leaning on the wall. The leftmost panel is covered in fake flowers of various shades of purple and the other three panels are white.
Steven Dookie, JP Warner, Armando Julián, Jorge Rivera-Herrans, and Blair Russell stand in a line in front of a black leather couch and black leather chair. There is a shaggy rug on the floor and four panels leaning on the wall. The leftmost panel is covered in fake flowers of various shades of purple and the other three panels are white.

Full Out Creative helped host and produce a livestream Q&A event for EPIC: The Musical – written by Jorge “Jay” Rivera-Herrans, in late December 2022. This presentation was designed to build excitement in anticipation of their recent music release for the show. At the time this was written, EPIC: The Troy Saga has gained over 22 million streams on Spotify alone. Here is a full list of available platforms.

Backstory + About FOC

A black couch and chair sit in front of three white panels and a flower covered wall. There are black folding chairs in the foreground and professional lights on either side of the room.
A black couch and chair sit in front of three white panels and a flower covered wall. There are black folding chairs in the foreground and professional lights on either side of the room.

EPIC’s producer Blair Russell reached out to FOC after seeing livestreams we produced for New York Theater Barn (NYTB) (Blair is a board member of NYTB). When he emailed us about this livestream idea we were so excited because we had the perfect new space to host it: Full Out Spaces, Studio 1106. We were thrilled to showcase both our new space and our live streaming capabilities to support this incredible new show!

Our mission  making theater & live entertainment more accessible – quality, interactive livestreaming is helping us make our intentions reality. Attending live performances may be impossible for some people, so our goal with each livestream is to bring as much of the in-person experience as possible to the virtual audience, and usually provide them a little extra that you can only achieve online. 

Our Setup

Our livestreams generally use multi-camera setups, live audio, and set & lighting design. For the EPIC livestream we worked with Blair to find a layout that catered to the in-person audience and worked with our three camera setup. We want to ensure that the in-person audience enjoys the show with minimal distractions while we deliver the best possible experience for the virtual attendees. There is no “perfect” setup for a livestream, so we work closely with each client to find the best placement for the performers, audience, and all the technical elements required

YouTube player
Jorge Rivera-Herrans & Armando Julián sit on black couch. Behind them are JP Warner and Steven Dookie sitting on stools. On the right sits Blair Russell on a black chair. All five people are holding microphones.Behind them are three white panels and a panel covered in purple flowers. Professional lights can be seen on either side of the room. There is a text box lower third with the words “This live is so amazing”.
Jorge Rivera-Herrans & Armando Julián sit on black couch. Behind them are JP Warner and Steven Dookie sitting on stools. On the right sits Blair Russell on a black chair. All five people are holding microphones.Behind them are three white panels and a panel covered in purple flowers. Professional lights can be seen on either side of the room. There is a text box lower third with the words “This live is so amazing”.

Another big feature of EPIC’s livestream was the integration of lower third text boxes for pre-designed Q&A questions as well as real time display of live comments from the YouTube audience. To streamline the moderation process, Q&A questions were solicited from Discord ahead of the event. A member of the EPIC team selected comments from the virtual audience in order to further integrate those virtual attendees into the event. Since the livestream aired, the YouTube Video has racked up more than 25,000 additional views.

About EPIC

EPIC is a new musical based on Homer’s The Odyssey. The show is written by Jorge “Jay” Rivera-Herrans and got its start completely online. While you can’t see a staged version of EPIC yet, you can check out both their first concept album and Jay’s TikTok for an inside look and listen to the world of EPIC. 

The show will be divided into nine “sagas” and each of those sagas will receive its own album to be released at a later date. This musical has already found its audience online, and we can’t wait to work with Blair and the team of EPIC as they work to reach in-person and live audiences around the world.

UP NEXT: We will be creating promotional photos & videos for EPIC’s next release, in the meantime check out The Cyclops Saga!

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